Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Oce 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Oce 1 - Essay Example Economically, fossil fuels have become expensive to the extent that it influences greatly the prices of other commodities. To help address the issue, world leaders have been advocating for measures aimed at limiting the use of fossil fuels as a source of energy. This was evident when world leaders with the exception of the U.S. gathered in Kyoto in 2005 in an attempt to come up with an amicable solution to the problem (Krà ¼ger 5). This led to the signing of the Kyoto protocol, which advocated for the use of renewable sources of energy as opposed to fossil fuels. Despite the U.S. not being among the countries that took part in the signing of the Kyoto Protocol, it is finding unwise to rely much on fossil fuels as its main source of energy (Krà ¼ger 8). This is because it is creating economic hardships, as well as environment problems that make the U.S. venerable to many natural calamities such as droughts and extreme flooding among others. As a result, Krà ¼ger notes that the government has recognized the need to increase funding for harnessing alternative sources of energy (8). In this regard, the government is finding it viable to invest more on renewable sources of energy that scientists argue, are more efficient and environmental friendly. This paper will discuss the need for the government of the United States to provide assistance in the harnessing of solar and wind power. Most Americans and scientists agree that in order to fight global warming and achieve energy independence, the U.S. has to avoid the use of fossil fuel and adopt the use of other renewable sources of energy that are efficient and cost effective. These include solar energy, wind power, hydroelectric power, and biomass. Reports show that overreliance on fossil fuels is becoming a big threat to the U.S. economy and the environment (Winkler par.2). The impacts of fossil fuels use on the environment include the

Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 10 and Week 12 Discussions Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Week 10 and Week 12 Discussions - Coursework Example The effect is increasing in investments diverted to other uses other than agriculture. Japan being a manufacturing country due to its enormous amount of industries, this has resulted to huge investments in industrial projects hence the main income generating that drives the economy of Japan. The Japanese word is used to mean ‘group’ in Japanese. In the business world, the word is used to refer to a partnership or other forms of alliances. The partners work closely to ensure that they all succeed in the invested business. Partners work towards a common goal and are all involved in making decisions concerning their organizations. The Japanese essentially operate in quite a different manner when compared to other countries. They often consider others first before considering themselves. The other countries like the U.S believe that it is better off to consider themselves first before giving others room. The main consequences felt while the Korean War was sexual harassment as the women were badly exploited during wartime. Those who protested against the government were killed hence their cases of the unjust murder were reported in Cheju Island. The Koreans were made to be dependent on nuclear bombs and have the largest amount of a nuclear bomb in South Korea. The Korean people and the land in general have been overexploited that there are many reported cases of pollution in the two states. Dams help in flood control as noted by the Chinese government. The harmful gas released to the atmosphere as sulphur dioxide is reduced by dams as they are absorbed. Helps in water storage and there is a forecasting by the Chinese people that waste water can be in future treated and stored in dams for future use. Where any dam is constructed there is pressure exerted on the natives to relocate from their land. Dams constructed alter the surrounding environment and worse off threatens the river’s wildlife. The weight exerted by huge dams